Congratulations to the following students who auditioned in North Carolina National Association of Teachers of Singing Student Auditions at The UNC School of the Arts in Winston Salem on February 21:
Grey Lehman, Beginning Fr/Soph High School Men, 1st place, invited to Regionals Auditions Marie Herrington, Advanced Jr/Sr High School Women, 2nd place, invited to Regionals Samantha Shaw, Advanced Fr/Soph High School Women, Excellent Abigail Lloyd, Advanced Jr/Sr High School Women, Excellent Hallie Yamamoto, Continuing Education Women, 2nd place, Excellent Kathryn Forney, Advanced Jr/Sr High School Women, Excellent Kaitlin Jennings, Beginning Jr/Sr High School Women, Excellent2014 NC NATS Audition Results (Music Theater)
August 16, 2012 by
Congratulations to the following Linnartz students who sang for the NC Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing Student Auditions at UNC Charlotte on Nov. 1, 2014, with the following results:
Rachel Despard, 3rd, Superior in Junior/Senior MT High School Women
Abigail Lloyd, Superior in Junior/Senior MT High School Women